Pestana Bahia

Pestana Bahia

Adultos Adulto crianças de a


#{ forfait.selected_ff_days } dias de forfait

Hotel + Forfait

preço total por noite preço total por noites

Lamentos informar que este hotel não tem quartos disponíveis de #{querystring.check_in} a #{querystring.check_out}.

Pestana Bahia

Salvador - Ver mapa | PESTANA

Serviços destacados:

  • Avaliação Muito Boa (7)

Ver mapa

Destino muito procurado!

10 alojamientos foram reservados nos últimos 15 minutos en Salvador

Últimas opiniões do hotel

7 M. bom
Pontuação 3,5 em 5 para viajantes de TripAdvisor

M. bom

Baseado em 1633 opiniões

Pontuação 4,5 em 5 para viajantes de TripAdvisor


Pontuação 4 em 5 para viajantes de TripAdvisor

Silêncio no quarto

Pontuação 3,5 em 5 para viajantes de TripAdvisor


Pontuação 3,5 em 5 para viajantes de TripAdvisor


Pontuação 3 em 5 para viajantes de TripAdvisor


Pontuação 3,5 em 5 para viajantes de TripAdvisor


A mostrar 1 avaliações em destaque de 1633 avaliações do Tripadvisor




Pontuação 3 em 5 para viajantes de TripAdvisor

“Great location but ask about construction”

My girlfriend and I were really excited about this stay; the location seemed right, the pics online looked beautiful - just what we were looking for on vacation. What we didn't know when booking our stay was that the hotel is under construction. There is drilling, hammering, exposed piping, bug... Mais

Sobre o alojamento

Como chegar

Salvador - Ver mapa

Instalações e serviços

#{ depositAmount } #{ depositCurrency } #{ depositType }
Forma de pagamento: #{ paymentMethods }
Data de pagamento: #{ depositTime }
Nº pessoas: #{numberOfPersons}
: #{floorNumber}
Número de reg. turístico:
#{ registryNumber }
Os nossos arrendamentos incluem:
Custos de energia
Custos de limpeza
Custos de gestão e taxas

A ter em consideração:

Horários de entrada e saída

Chegada fora do horáro/ Recolha das chaves: #{ lateCheckin }

Número de reg. turístico: #{ registryNumber }

Taxas incluídas no preço final:
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Perguntas frequentes sobre Pestana Bahia

  • Porque é que Pestana Bahia se destaca?

    Entre os serviços mais destacados podemos mencionar Avaliação Muito Boa (7). Ver lista completa de serviços de Pestana Bahia.
  • Perto do Pestana Bahia poderá encontrar Gran Hotel Stella Maris Urban Resort & Conventions e Hotel Deville Prime Salvador, entre outros.
  • Os utilizadoresde Pestana Bahia opinam que: My girlfriend and I were really excited about this stay; the location seemed right, the pics online looked beautiful - just what we were looking for on vacation. What we didn't know when booking our stay was that the hotel is under construction. There is drilling, hammering, exposed piping, bugs, etc. throughout the halls, in nearby rooms, and outside. None of which was made known on the company’s website as a courtesy to guests. The work took place at least Mon - Fri from 7am -5pm; who wants to wake up at 7am on vacation and not be able to take a nap at 2pm?! We spoke with management, who gave us a hard time saying "there was mention of this on our Facebook and Instagram pages". What if I don't use those things?! Furthermore, my girlfriend checked their pages and had to go back to Feb. '19 to find the one post about construction. The post said it would be completed by the end of June '19. Our stay was the end of June '19 and construction looked to be another 3 months from completion. Eventually, we reached a deal w/ management to refund 50% of our first night on the condition that they put an end to construction in out building. We eventually got the money back but were still bothered by the construction from nearby units and outside. Unpleasant for a vacation! Be transparent w/ people and you should have little problems!
  • O endereço exato do Pestana Bahia é Salvador - Rua Fonte Do Boi, 216
  • Pestana Bahia pertence a PESTANA.
  • Salvador
  • None - None
  • None Adulto
  • 1 Quarto